Electric Vehicle Charger Point Grant for Landlords
The Government’s scheme launched an electric vehicle charge point grant to support their efforts to become net zero
The Government has recently launched an electric vehicle ‘charge point grant’ for landlords to encourage more homes to accommodate electric vehicle ownerships. This is to help towards their goal of becoming net-zero by 2050 and to reduce the country’s carbon footprint.
Under the scheme, residential and commercial property owners will be able to apply for 75% of the cost of the charging point. With more and more electric vehicle owners, this is something that landlords should be thinking about – up by 186% during 2020 official figures show.
The new system replaces the Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme and provides landlords across the whole of the UK up to £350 – previously only tenants had been given access to the scheme.
However, landlords must be VAT registered or registered at Companies House to be eligible.
There is a similar scheme where the tenants are able to apply for a similar grant on their own. Therefore, if a landlord doesn’t meet the registration requirements then the tenants can apply for a grant themselves to have a charging point installed.
Due to the size of the private rented sector, we believe that this grant will help towards building a greener future. As more and more people opt to go for a fully electric vehicle or hybrid car as fuel prices rise and efforts to reduce their carbon footprint, this is an opportunity for landlords to make their property stand out from the competition.
Accommodating for those greener tenants and also those who have electric vehicles and are on the lookout for properties that can accommodate their charging needs.
In the long run, electric vehicle charging points will be something that more tenants will be wanting and landlords will need to accommodate that need to reduce their chances of losing potential tenants.
Get in touch with our team on 01270 443510 or 020 3984 0375 to discuss all your requirements. Alternatively, complete our contact us form and a member of our team will be in touch with you as soon as possible.